
Lewes in Bloom thanks community

October 1, 2019

Lewes in Bloom’s Children’s Learning Garden had a very successful 2019 season thanks to the community and all the volunteers who supported the program.

It was a hot summer, but over 1,200 children participated in the reading and activity programs held at the garden in Stango Park on Mondays and Fridays, accompanied by parents, guardians, grandparents, aunts and uncles.   

A special thank you to Children’s Librarian Jennifer Noonan for her story hour on Mondays and for her partnership with Lewes in Bloom to set up the Story Walk in Stango Park. Thank you to all the individuals and groups who provided music, food, and informative sessions on fruits and vegetables, bees, butterflies, ladybugs and, last but not least, earthworms. It was all such fun.

Thank you to the volunteers who attended and made sure everyone was involved and had a good time. Thank you to the Children’s Learning Garden committee members for all their hard work.

Last, but not least, a special thank you to Nancy Phillips for organizing this community outreach. Her dedication and enthusiasm have made this annual event such a resounding success. 

Susan Crawford
Lewes in Bloom

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