
LWV opposes comp plan change

January 7, 2022

The League of Women Voters of Sussex County wishes to convey its full support for the recent opinion expressed by Jeff Stone of the Sussex Alliance for Responsible Growth in stating that organization’s opposition to amending the 2018 comprehensive plan in regard to the 247 acres of land east of Route 1 at the Cave Neck Road intersection north of Lewes.

As many readers will recall, from 2015 to 2018 the league held 18 public forums throughout Sussex in an effort to educate the public and encourage their participation in the process of developing the proposed comprehensive plan.

In addition to the league’s forums, county officials held a significant number of public presentations throughout Sussex. Throughout the process of drafting this document, public input was welcomed and implemented. A rigorous review by the Office of State Planning Coordination accompanied every aspect of this plan’s development. When all stakeholders completed their review, Sussex County Council members submitted the plan to the governor’s office. In March 2019, Gov. Carney certified Sussex’s comprehensive plan as a carefully conceived document to guide county development over the next 10 years.

To propose such a radical change in the comprehensive plan’s future land-use design, less than three years since this document was so thoughtfully drafted, is a travesty. If this aspect of the comp plan can be nullified, if the will of Sussex’s residents can be so easily overturned, what is the message to the people of this county, already burdened by excessive development?  The League of Women Voters of Sussex County joins the Office of State Planning Coordination Director David Edgell, the Sussex Alliance for Responsible Growth, and the residents of Sussex County in opposition to the request by developer Seaside of Lewes LLC and the Robinson family.

We urge members of Sussex County Council, elected to represent the best interests of their constituents, to reject the developer’s request and maintain the integrity of the 2018 comprehensive plan.

The board of the League of Women Voters of Sussex County
Janet Ambrose
Marge LaFond
Jane Lord
Martha Rothenberg
Pat Newcomb
Rain Tyler
Jan Willis
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