
Mountaire food distribution continues

Thanksgiving for Thousands volunteers pack more than 14,000 boxes
November 20, 2023

More than 300 volunteers packed more than 14,000 food boxes Nov. 19 during Mountaire Farms’ Thanksgiving for Thousands. Working on four assembly lines in Mountaire’s Selbyville warehouse, volunteers packed boxes for a complete Thanksgiving meal, including a Mountaire roaster, stuffing, vegetables and a dessert. The meal is enough to feed a family of four. The 14,000 boxes could feed up to 56,000 people.

More than 200 nonprofits, shelters, churches and food pantries picked up pre-ordered food boxes for distribution to people in need throughout Delmarva.

Since the event started 29 years ago, it has grown substantially and has spread out to include the warehouse and a large tent.

On the same day, two Mountaire plants in North Carolina also took part in the food program. At all three sites, 38,000 food boxes were packed to feed more than 150,000 people.


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