
My apologies to President Grant

March 9, 2018

The letter that I sent to the Cape Gazette (published Feb. 27) expressed my views on the moral character of the current president. I should not have maligned President Grant. He had a strong moral character; it was his administration that was corrupt.

Obviously, someone from Long Neck missed the point of my letter - the point is that moral character is not something that this president has or, giving him the benefit, does not demonstrate. Moral character is something you learn from your parents, grandparents, or from an authoritative figure like a coach or a priest. It really can be defined as "Do the right thing." Help, not hinder your fellow man or woman to do better.

It takes time to develop; some learn it early, some learn it late, and some do not learn it at all. You demonstrate moral character through actions - actions like telling the truth: "I cannot tell a lie, I chopped down the cherry tree." Actions like being honest, Abe walked "3 miles to return 2¢" to a customer that he had overcharged. Actions like self-sacrifice, being the one to give up your seat on the last lifeboat leaving the Titanic.

When a person in power chooses to deny help to the unfortunate or underprivileged, they are not demonstrating strong moral character. Moral character is not about winning; it is about how you play the game!

Paul R. Shriver
Rehoboth Beach


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