
The nativity scene: The reason for the season

December 2, 2019

We attended the lighting of the Christmas tree in Rehoboth the other night and a wonderful night it was with family and friends. 

However, something was missing, and then that familiar thought went through our little minds. “Jesus is the reason for the season.” 

We were reminded of the public expressions of “exclusion” and personally believe that it is often, not always, a self-inflicted issue. 

While certainly not devoutly religious people, we do believe that this special season is inclusive in every aspect and any thought of exclusion is indeed sad, but fortunately not contagious. 

Interestingly, on our walk down the Boardwalk someone else had remembered the reason for the season, so it is not forgotten by all, and that feeling is indeed alive and contagious. Merry Christmas and holiday greetings to all.

Terri and Buzz Klopp


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