
US Wind offer is smoke and mirrors

January 12, 2024

Orsted and US Wind, and all their derivatives, obviously take us for the fools we might be. This letter is not a discussion of the pros and cons of energy sources, but about the smoke-and-mirrors efforts of these corporations to get what they want.

As discussed Tuesday on a local radio program, millions of dollars are being offered to Delaware beach municipalities for not objecting to offshore wind farms placed within their view. Rehoboth Beach has been offered $100,000 per year for the next umpteen years to sign an agreement (with a fancy title) that amounts to a bribe for keeping its mouth shut, it was reported.

The latest news in the Cape Gazette is that Orsted hired a known and respected environmental advocate for its community outreach. We can guess what he'll now be saying about the efficacy of offshore wind turbines and their positive effects for the environment. I can't help but wonder if salary has anything to do with perspective? My guess is it does.

And, why would we be fools to accept these handouts? Because in the end, we will be paying for them in our rates, of course. There's no such thing as a free lunch when you are in the business of making money, money that must find its way back into the coffers of Orsted and US Wind.

Jeffrey Chandross
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