
Wind opponent greatly exaggerated comments

January 19, 2024

Peter Preston wrote a letter Jan. 12, in which he offers a deluge of fanciful, imagined horrors coming from wind turbines. We are asked to believe the ocean bottom will be solid concrete with massive tangles of wires carrying humming electricity killing off our marine animals. I suppose millions of dead birds will wash up on the beaches as the blades slice through their poor little bodies. I could not help but laugh at the exaggerated tone of his letter, but wince as I think of all the misled readers sucked in by his tirade.

I am sympathetic to his call for the new, slimmed-down nuclear reactors on the horizon, but the price tag is into the billions with at least 10 years of struggle to get the design, approvals and funding needed. If the taxpayers of the nation understood the ramifications of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2023, HR 5744, there would be a groundswell of cheering from them since the dividend is real, free money coming monthly into our wallets from the IRS. Fossil fuel burning would require a fee, increasing every year. Money talks. These companies will recognize the problem and will have to redesign their profit-making opportunities far into the future.

Meanwhile, we in the United States are sleeping at the switch because the nations of Europe are going to tax Americans for all the products we sell to them that are not free of carbon, releasing pollution within our manufacturing process. This tax is inflation built into our economic system for consumers. Bend over, here it comes! The Biden administration is aware of this financial hazard, but the other side of the aisle is too busy counting profits to notice what is happening. If you are curious about this problem, look up Citizens Climate Lobby for details. Meanwhile as wind generation continues forward, Delawareans can look forward to cheaper electricity, and the ocean will thank us for lowering the heat and acidity, thus helping the marine life still there. 

Dr. Ted Spickler
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