A no-smoking policy was extended July 19 for Rehoboth Beach municipal center and areas along the canal.
Commissioners approved the no-smoking ordinance 6-1 with Commissioner Stan Mills voicing the only dissent.
Mayor Paul Kuhns said town hall and the municipal buildings surrounding it had no policy on smoking. Under the new policy, he said, two designated smoking areas will be available for employees, and an area near the convention center and another near the city offices will be available for visitors.
No-smoking signs will be posted throughout the municipal complex, and in the areas where smoking will be permitted, receptacles will be placed for cigarettes.
“We gain from having somewhere for visitors to put their cigarette butts,” said Commissioner Toni Sharp.
While Grove Park and areas near the canal are already included in the city's no-smoking ban, Commissioner Richard Byrne said he is concerned by the number of cigarette butts he sees in the park area and along the canal.
“Environmentally it's a significant problem for us,” he said. “These are park areas where there are benches and families.”
With the new ordinance, more no-smoking signs will be placed in Grove Park and along the canal and dock area.
Mills said he supports no-smoking in Rehoboth Beach, but he said he voted against the ordinance because he believes it was passed too quickly without adequate public review. The public hearing and final vote of the ordinance were taken July 19.
“It's disappointing that this council would act this way,” he said.
In other business, commissioners unanimously agreed to change city code for sign offenses from a criminal charge to a civil offense.
Commissioners also agreed to hold a public hearing Friday, Aug. 16, for tower- and nontower-based wireless communication facilities in Rehoboth Beach.