
Casey Anne Cahill and Thomas Victor Cornellier plan Sept. 2013 wedding

September 25, 2012

Brian Cahill and Beth McCormick, both of Lewes, announce the engagement of their daughter, Casey Anne Cahill, to Thomas Victor Cornellier, son of Victor and Julie Cornellier of Dunkirk, Md.

The bride-to-be received a bachelor of business administration in accounting with a minor in international business from James Madison University. She has since pursued a career as an accountant. Her fiance received a degree in finance with a minor in economics from the University of Delaware and recently completed his master of business administration from Loyola University of Maryland. He has followed a career path in finance and is currently the CFO of TSI Corporation.

A September 2013 wedding is being planned, and the couple will reside in Maryland, but hope to spend a lot of time visiting their families at the beach.


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