
Treachery or treason from our senators

April 11, 2013

Senator Carper and Senator Coons tried to sell out the freedoms and rights of the citizens of the United States of America to the United Nations Saturday morning. It failed 53 to 46, this time. Do they not remember taking an oath of office to uphold and support the Constitution of the United States, and the State of Delaware? Did it mean nothing to them, or have they not read and understood either Constitution?

I have, including the bill of rights, the Declaration of Independence, and all of the Amendments to the Constitution. I have found nothing that gives them that authority either by abrogation or delegation.

As citizens of this great country, we must rein in the theft and imbalance of power by all three branches of our government. We don't have to wait until election cycles, we have the right to challenge their actions, to petition for recall, and several other avenues of action to protect our rights.

We are Citizens, not subjects, but that is coming soon if we fail to act as free citizens. I challenge all that love God and Country to read these critical documents and get active in the process of self government or lose our freedoms forever.

Richard McKinley
Selbyville, Delaware

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