
Lawmakers urged to approve legislation

May 20, 2013

I am writing today because I was thrilled about the passage last week of a common sense bill that mandates universal background checks when someone buys a firearm. Following this accomplishment, I now ask lawmakers to pass two more bills that will help make Delaware safe and hopefully prevent future tragedies from happening here.

First, I am a strong advocate of House Bill 58, which limits the capacity of the
magazines to 10 bullets. During the gun violence tragedies in Tucson, Virginia
Tech and Fort Hood, high capacity clips were used. When the criminal had to reload, it gave the victims time to exit and time to end the killing spree in some cases. Thus, limiting the capacity of the magazines to ten bullets makes sense because it makes it harder for criminals to execute mass killing tragedies.

Second, it is important that the legislature adopt Senate Bill 16, which requires
gun owners to report lost or stolen weapons within 48 hours of the weapons being missing. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms reports that over a quarter of its gun trafficking cases involve lost or stolen guns. Thus, this common sense bill aims to address this issue.

In conclusion, it is important for the General Assembly to pass laws that protect
Delawareans. By passing House Bill 58 and Senate Bill 16, lawmakers will further demonstrate a commitment to keeping Delaware’s families and communities safe.

Susan Kellum 

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