
Tom McGlone is a dynamic candidate

August 5, 2014

As a 30 year part time resident of Rehoboth Beach and as an elected official serving a seventh term in office, I feel well suited to judge the talents and experience of my candidate for mayor - Tom McGlone.

Tom McGlone is a man I would trust with our cIty's future. Community leadership consistently needs a fresh voice and new perspective to keep moving in a positive direction. Tom McGlone is the right voice and has the right perspective for the job. Some people have asked: why is he starting “at the top?” Why has he not been visibly active in local government? I say the answer is simple. How can someone participate when those doors are deliberately closed to new ideas and new people?

A dynamic candidate will start at the top when that is the best place to start making a difference.. An accomplished businessman like Tom McGlone will take this election opportunity to immediately address the current challenges facing Rehoboth. His style - building consensus from a wide range of voices and opinions currently in government and, including those who have been excluded in the recent past. What do the residents of Rehoboth want, what do our tourists value, how do we want our money spent?

I believe that Tom McGlone wants to know the answers to these questions and then, harnessing the talent of our outstanding Rehoboth commissioners, put ideas into action. I believe that Tom McGlone wants to enable the dialogue of democracy from all sides. Therefore, we need to make Tom the next mayor of Rehoboth Beach and help Rehoboth Beach be an acknowledged leader among the communities of Coastal Delaware; making our town a great place to live and a wonderful place to visit all year long. I will cast my vote for Tom McGlone, the next mayor of Rehoboth Beach!

Jeffrey Z. Slavin
Rehoboth Beach
mayor, Somerset, Md.

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