
Anonymous letter smacks of dirty politics

August 7, 2018

Until this past Friday, Aug. 3, I thought for once, after reviewing the candidates forum and some recent endorsements submitted to the Gazette, my citizens and neighbors in Rehoboth Beach were going to have a clean election.

Unfortunately, someone decided that they didn't want to play nice.

I received in my mail an anonymous campaign letter stating that this election was a critical one for those who rent property in Rehoboth Beach, with no campaign header stating who they were or whom it was from, but with the clear intent to disparage candidate Gary Glass.

I have rented my home for many years through a local real estate company which employs people who have provided me excellent service and treated me like family. Granted, I do not own property that I can rent for $11,000 per week but enough that has assisted me in providing tuition for two daughters to attend and graduate from college.

Until I had received this letter my votes would have gone to Ms. Colluzzi and Mr. Byrne. Due to the fact that this letter came to me anonymously, I cannot and will not support either candidate because I don't know if either candidate had a part in this.

It smacks of dirty politics, dishonesty, collusion, sneakiness, and divisiveness, and furthermore, I don't need, nor asked for, advice on how I should vote. I am quite capable of making my own decisions.

Scott Lawson
Rehoboth Beach


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