
Backyard chickens are a bad idea

February 14, 2023

Editor’s note: The Feb. 10 edition of the Cape Gazette featured a story about Milton Town Council considering allowing backyard chickens in certain zoning districts.

Speaking from firsthand experience, having any backyard chickens in a neighborhood is a bad idea. We had a young couple move in across the street, and promptly acquire chickens and a rooster. The chickens quickly learned how to get loose, go in the street, and migrate to my property and others. The rooster was a constant annoyance to the point where we could not leave our windows open on nice days due to the noise. 

They are intrusive, annoying, dirty barn animals that have no place in any neighborhood. 

They belong solely on the farm raised and cared for by professional farmers. 

Factor in the cost of the coop, fencing needed, feed and your time, and it’s less expensive to just buy a dozen eggs and save yourself any headaches. 

David C. Johns


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