
Beebe thanks Jawsfest supporters for relief fund

August 31, 2020

Thursday, Aug. 20, was a magical night as the sun set over Hudson Fields and people gathered together to stroll an open-air, socially distanced, fundraising event called Jawsfest for Beebe Healthcare heroes. 

On behalf of Beebe Medical Foundation, I want to thank the many supporters who came out, made a free-will offering, and enjoyed a pleasant social distanced evening. I am very grateful to Rob Waters (W Films), Rob Rector (Revival House Theater), Christian and Julie Hudson (Hudson Fields), Patrick Staggs (Revelation), Amy Popovich (Beebe Medical Foundation) and the many vendors, volunteers, artists, and musicians who made the event safe, fun and relaxing.    

Through the efforts of so many, we raised over $20,000 for Beebe Healthcare’s COVID-19 Relief Fund, which will help Beebe Healthcare continue to serve our community during this pandemic. Even more so, through the efforts of so many talented people, we raised the spirits of all the attendees as they enjoyed a safe event with their families and friends as summer wanes and fall hybrid school schedules are on many minds.  

Our community is resilient, and we are grateful for the strong and loyal support of Beebe Healthcare. We truly are all in this together. 

An extra-special thank you to all who sponsored Jawsfest: PNC Bank, Ocean 98.1 Radio, Cape Gazette, M&T Bank, Waves Car Wash, Delaware State of, SoDel Concepts, Key Advisors, Enhanced Dental Care, Lessard Builders, Delaware Beach Life, Deal Catcher, The Carrie Lingo Team, Techno Goober, Meghan Shupe, The Lee Ann Wilkinson Group, Capstone Homes, Ashton Pools, Barrows & Associates, Developing Artist Collaboration, Rehoboth Foodie, Hotel Blue, Bruce Mears and Silicato Development.

Thank you to all! Please stay safe and well! 

Thomas J. Protack
Beebe Medical Foundation
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