
Bibliotherapy sessions start March 9

February 20, 2023

HealTree will present Peace is Every Step, a bibliotherapy program facilitated by Catrina Stiller, LPCMH, and Maxine Middlebrook from 12 to 1:30 p.m., starting Thursday, March 9, at 1632 Savannah Road Suite 10, Lewes. Sessions continue weekly through April 6. 

Bibliotherapy utilizes literature to help people improve their lives by providing information, support and guidance in the form of reading books. Therapeutic book clubs improve communication skills, and increase deeper conversation and connections among members. Participants also have an opportunity to give and receive feedback regarding their understanding of the book, which in turn deepens their understanding of themselves. Benefits of bibliotherapy include gaining personal insight and perspective, relieving stress, increasing confidence and boosting creativity.

Participants will be guided through Thich Nhat Hahn’s book “Peace is Every Step: The Path to Mindfulness in Everyday Life” with compassion, support  and opportunities to practice mindfulness during each session and in between sessions.  

Stiller is executive director of HealTree and a licensed professional counselor of mental health in Delaware. She holds a certification from the National Board of Certified Counselors, a Reiki II certification, and a Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention Certification; she has also completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training. 

Middlebrook often refers to herself as a fellow healing human, and she knows firsthand the benefits of authentic, holistic mental health care and wellness practices. Through a variety of both personal and professional experiences, she has developed a great appreciation for the human experience. She is a certified mindfulness teacher through the MCT program and holds a master’s degree in management from Wilmington University.

Cost is $175 per person for all four sessions.

To sign up and learn more, go to or call 302-827-4683.

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