
The bigger picture for tennis/pickleball 

January 31, 2020

There is a case to be made here for tennis and pickleball players.  There are simply not enough courts designated for both these sports. I played tennis for many years, and since moving to Delaware I have been able to play pickleball far more often than I ever played tennis.  I loved tennis when I played, but I was much younger and faster and lighter in weight than I am today. None of these factors weigh in on being able to play pickleball. I was delighted  when I realized I didn’t have to give up my love for being on the courts. I just switched to a different sport. 

Most new communities are now placing pickleball courts as their prime activity for people to enjoy. However, when the weather is bad, and it is bad a lot of time, rain, snow, too windy, or just too cold to play outdoors,  yes, there are a few indoor courts available for a fee.  I play indoors twice a week and pay over $600 a year for my passion.  This is not an exorbitant amount of money for me, but there are many people who cannot afford this price and depend on outdoor courts. 

I need not mention the amount of new developments that are planned for this coming year, over 13,000 new homes in the Sussex area. This is of course outrageous to all of us who live here full time.  The county keeps adding new homes, etc. but no new activities for the people to enjoy.  I lived in Harford County, Md., and we had 17 recreation centers, one in each area, and all were used by the youth and adults on a regular basis.

The closest recreation center we have is in Dover. I find it hard to believe that Sussex cannot find open areas for recreation centers instead of approving more homes.  How about creating more open spaces to be used by the people, including more courts in each area, especially indoor courts so we can play all year. 

Pickleball is not only a fun sport but a social activity as well.  It has improved many people’s physical as well as mental capacity.  Don’t we all want to have a healthier lifestyle?  Isn’t that why we moved here?  What does the county stand for if not improving our lives? 

See you on the courts. 

Patricia Kearns 


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