
Bill lifts restrictions on Delaware State Fair commemorative tags

June 24, 2019

The Delaware State Fair, celebrating its centennial, announced that Gov. John Carney signed SB 42 in the presence of sponsoring legislators and fair leaders.

In April, the Division of Motor Vehicles began offering a limited-edition special license plate commemorating the fair’s 100th anniversary. Senate Bill 42 expanded the opportunity to display these special tags on any car, truck or trailer weighing less than 26,000 pounds owned by individuals or businesses. Farm and business owners expressed interest in purchasing and displaying these tags but encountered difficulties in buying, tagging and displaying these tags on business-owned pickups and light trucks due to restrictions in the initial legislation creating these unique and stylish tags.

At the bill-signing ceremony in Dover June 13, Delaware State Fair President Ron Draper acknowledged the need for the amendment to permit supporters of the fair to display these tags on their cars and trucks, and thanked the governor, former legislators Gary Simpson and Harvey Kenton, and bill sponsors senators Dave Wilson and representatives Jesse Vanderwende and Bill Carson for their support in preparing and seeking passage of the bill.

Fair General Manager Bill DiMondi noted that the limited-edition plates are uniquely designed and draw a fair amount of attention when seen on area roads in addition to offering fair supporters an opportunity to display a low digit special Delaware license plate to show their support for the fair, Delaware’s single largest annual gathering of people and livestock on the Delmarva Peninsula, drawing an estimated 300,000 people annually to the fairgrounds in Harrington each July.

The special license plates can be purchased at any of the state’s Division of Motor Vehicles offices.

This year’s fair runs from Thursday, July 18, through Saturday, 27.


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