
Cape High students replace flags at Lewes Canalfront Park

May 16, 2019

Upon the completion of a mini-unit on flags, several Cape Henlopen High School students teamed up with two local organizations to replace the flags at Lewes Canalfront Park. Flying in the park are flags for the United States of America, the State of Delaware, and the City of Lewes.

American Flag Guardians is a Lewes-based group that works with the city to maintain the flags and promote events for local veterans. A few members of their organization, along with a Cape Pole and Flag representative, accompanied the students to replace the flags at the park.

During the class, students focused on different art skills that incorporated nature, art history and overall creativeness. They also discussed what each of the flag’s colors represents, and learned what the American flag was about, how to care for it and how to properly display the flag. Students were then challenged with creating a flag that they believed would best represent themselves.

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