Cape senior Hazel Getzlaff wins state honor
The Delaware Advisory Council on Career and Technical Education has selected Cape High senior Hazel Getzlaff as this year’s recipient of the award for Outstanding Contribution by a Career and Technical Education Student.
Hazel, who is set to receive her award at a Thursday, April 11 ceremony, said it was an honor to be nominated for the award by Cape High K-12 Teacher Academy instructor Linda Marvel.
“I’m very invested in education,” Hazel said, noting she is leaning toward attending University of Delaware for a degree in mathematics education with hopes to teach at the high school level.
Hazel said she has always been interested in teaching others, and found herself enjoying tutoring friends struggling with math. The gradual progression of interests led her to believe she could make a career of it.
“I’ve been very lucky with my math teachers,” she said. “They are great examples of how to motivate students. The same teachers who inspired me are inspiring other kids to find their passions related to math.”
In school, Hazel is also involved with the culinary club, math league, National Honor Society and Leo Club, and serves as a teaching assistant for the freshman math class.
The Milton resident also tutors, and volunteers at Milton Arts Guild and the Georgetown library to help in the children’s section after school.
“It’s very rewarding even though it’s not my career yet,” she said. “Seeing people grow into math when I’m tutoring or helping really warms my heart.”