
Coluzzi and Byrne will work together

August 7, 2018

I have studied the campaign issues from each of the three candidates for the two Rehoboth Beach commissioner seats up for election Saturday, Aug. 11. Unfortunately, I have heard untruths from the Glass campaign, along with their proposals to further burden our small businesses with new taxes and ideas to upset the economic basis for Rehoboth Beach in the rental market.

Pat Coluzzi and Dick Byrne have provided sound, fact-based proposals to put our city government on the right track to be financially sound, to be resident-and business-friendly, and to be open to all resident, business and visitor views.

We cannot allow the Cooper-era candidates, like Glass, to diminish our future-looking image of Rehoboth Beach. Let's keep moving forward, and vote for Pat Coluzzi and Dick Byrne.

Lee DeFord
Rehoboth Beach

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