Dewey board to hear business requests Sept. 15

The Dewey Beach Board of Adjustment will hold public hearings regarding a series of business-related requests Thursday, Sept. 15.
The Starboard has requested a special exception to continue to use about 1,750 square feet of an expanded dining area that was approved during the pandemic and a variance to continue the placement of the tent erected over the expanded dining area.
In addition, The Starboard has requested a variance or a special exemption request for a waiver for relief from off-street parking requirements for a legal nonconforming restaurant with more than 4,000 square feet of patron space.
The Starboard is located in the Resort Business-2 zoning district. In January, town commissioners voted unanimously to abolish the requirement for restaurants in the RB-2 district with under 4,000 square feet to provide off-street parking.
The ordinance states that restaurants in the RB-2 district with more than 4,000 square feet of patron area must provide one parking space for each 200 square feet assigned for patron use, including open decking.
Fifer’s Farm Kitchen has requested a variance to seek a modification to bulk zoning standards to increase the size of the market and provide additional short-term rental residential units to the property at 200 Cullen St. in the RB-2 zoning district.
In making the request, Fifer’s architect Mark Redden said the lot is an odd shape totaling 10,048 square feet, allowing for 2.79 residential units on the lot. By code, Fifer’s is able to construct up to 4,000 square feet of residential space on the lot, Redden said, but Fifer’s would prefer to have four 1,000-square-foot units rather than two 2,000-square-foot units.
“Smaller units are generally quieter short-term tenants with less parties or other behaviors that can disturb neighbors or lead to excessive cleanup/maintenance issues,” Redden said in the request. “As a compromise, we would like permission to round up the 2.78 to 3 so that we can maintain smaller two-bedroom units for at least two of the apartments.”
Fifer’s would have to provide two additional parking spaces as a result of the request, Redden stated.
The meeting will take place at 6 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 15, at the Lifesaving Station, 1 Dagsworthy Ave. For the full agenda or virtual link to the meeting, go to