
Disappointed in Glass’s platform of division

August 7, 2018

I was disappointed and aghast to see that Gary Glass is running for Rehoboth commissioner using a platform of division against and between residents and property owners of Rehoboth for his personal gain.

Gary and his partner have a rental in town and live in Baltimore. Yet he is talking about eliminating or limiting rentals in the city of Rehoboth or limiting them to certain neighborhoods (only his?). He is trying to make a distinction and judgment between people who have their houses in LLCs, trusts, and partnerships, which is between a property owner and their tax attorney, and none of Gary Glass's business. There are still people behind all of that paperwork: People who believe in Rehoboth Beach.

He is trying to pit neighbor against neighbor and property owner against property owner. Those scare tactics have worked in the past but I think the majority of residents and nonresident property owners have moved on from the negativity of the past and are trying to work together to make sure there is room for everyone in Rehoboth.

Pat Coluzzi was instrumental in starting the farmers market in Rehoboth Beach. Richard Byrne is described as "leaving a positive footprint everywhere he goes."

Those are the positive people we need running Rehoboth Beach.

Lori Bloxom
Rehoboth Beach


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