Ask The Trainer

Do you have a fitness obsession?

August 24, 2013

If you eat tasteless natural foods and spend more than an hour a day at the local gym, you might be feeding an unhealthy obsession that leads to weird, boring, extreme behavior that could alienate you from others, but then again maybe it’s not you who's acting peculiar. Truth is, America has become so confused about what’s normal when it comes to eating healthy and exercising, sometimes those of us who live a fitness lifestyle are considered extreme.

Strange eating habits

If you’re not eating lunch out of a vending machine, going to happy hour or munching down on doughnuts at the office, you’re probably going to stand out, and people will consider you a food snob. Add in the fact that you are eating strange foods such as vegetables, lean meats and whole grains without the creamy sauces or heavy butters and you’re definitely going to raise some eyebrows, but don’t worry, keep it up, and as the people around you see the results you’re getting it won’t be long before they are asking you to share some of your special recipes and food choices for getting in shape.


Going to the gym several times a week when you could be home on the couch watching your favorite TV show or drinking beer with your friends could be a sign that you’re taking this fitness stuff too seriously. If you’re not careful, you’re going to miss out on the normal things people do, wasting valuable time worrying about your health rather than doing what feels good at the moment. But no worries, obsession can be easily confused with passion, and if you love what you do there is a good chance you will inspire others to take control of their lives, lose weight and get healthy.

Boring life

Spending hours in the gym challenging yourself, accomplishing goals, learning how hard work pays off is no fun, and if you’re not careful, life is going to pass you by, but there is a lot more to getting in shape than sweating on a treadmill. It’s the journey that will fill you with excitement, self-confidence and purpose, and those valuable characteristics will blend into every other aspect of your life, making you a more complete person. If you can work hard to get in shape, you can attack other tasks with the same energy.

Extreme behavior

If you’re one of those extreme people who spends too much time pumping iron, watching what you eat and staying active, you have be careful that your fitness addiction doesn’t take over your life. After all, nothing good can come from being too committed to any one thing except maybe looking great and living longer with more quality of life. When everyone else abused their bodies and aged prematurely, you were the one who invested the time to work hard and stay healthy.

In the end, people who work out like to eat good foods, have a few drinks with friends, go to parties and live life just as much as everyone else. It’s just that for those who stay in shape, it’s a treat, not a lifestyle, but by no means are they the ones who are practicing extreme behavior.

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