
Eastern Sussex has a road problem .. duh!

October 10, 2019

Maybe it is just me, but every person I talk to is complaining about the traffic on these back roads.  Living off Angola Road sometimes there are 20-30 vehicles lined up to get out on to Route 24. 

Now they want to put a 7-Eleven right at that intersection to make matters even worse.  Hundreds of homes being built on this road alone.  There are so many new developments being approved, hotels and shopping centers. When is it going to stop, and let the roads catch up with all the increased traffic.

It is bad enough that Sussex County Council either doesn’t care because most of them live on the west side of the county, are getting taken care of by all the contractors, or simply too stupid to recognize that we have major road problems. But, then again, I blame our local politicians as well. If they would listen to the people and work toward road improvements instead of worrying more about bicycle paths or building another school, we might be a lot better off.

Can you imagine if for some reason we had to evacuate this area around Rehoboth/Lewes and Millsboro this past weekend?

Try to evacuate off Old Landing Road, Long Neck Road, Route 24, Route 9 and the worst, Route 1.

What is going to happen is after all these developments and businesses are put in one of our rocket scientist will say, you know we have a road problem on the east side of Sussex.  So then besides all the traffic in the future you will have road detours for years all over the place. Then their answer will be, well if you want better roads you will have to suffer for a few years with the detours. What a frustrating situation.

Ingrid Gurney


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