
Food for thought on development in Lewes

December 31, 2020

Construction of new homes  vs. marshland:

I would hope that there are many lessons learned with the development wrapping up on West 4th Street in Lewes. It is essentially built adjacent to wetlands and borders an active runoff route for stormwaters. Imagine anyone in their right mind agreeing to live in another new development surrounded by wetlands. 

I am astounded that developers are still authorized to construct homes in such locations with realtors mentioning “tranquil strolls through wooded wetlands.” This is the definition of insanity, and it’s amazing that it was ever approved. Imagine a warm, humid late summer afternoon strolling through wetlands. I’m confident that developers, realtors, and even board members, have not purchased their forever homes in such locations.

New Road home development:.

It is inconceivable that another “out-of-town” developer is pitching villa homesites along New Road. The site is projected to add approximately 600 additional daily vehicles while Lewes awaits a decades-old project to lift the current road bridge and widen the road. New homes in these locations could be subject to serious water damage during coastal storms and seasonally higher water levels. When is a six-foot elevation safe, when homes approaching Lewes Beach have road signs reflecting very high storm flood levels? 

Next step:

County and city leaders must insist on maintaining nature’s wetlands and stop approving ludicrous developments creating long-term challenges to both public safety and home values. 

Food for thought after visiting the Lewes and Rehoboth areas for over 15 years. 

Mike Green
Rehoboth Beach
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