
Gary Glass will be fiscally responsible

August 2, 2019

Rehoboth Beach voters have a critical decision to make in the election Aug. 10 about the future of this wonderful city. I have the solid business experience and knowledge about our community to ensure fiscal responsibility and fairness as we move forward together.

As a homeowner in Rehoboth for 20 years, a trained accountant, and a former director of finance for two nonprofit associations, I will work to ensure that we implement our capital improvement priorities responsibly, especially the essential upgrades to our stormwater system and our wastewater plant, and the long-deferred streetscape enhancements on Baltimore and Wilmington avenues. We can discuss a parking garage, but the information I have studied shows that a summertime jitney service would be a far more cost-effective, flexible, and attractive way to get our seasonal crowds to and from our downtown businesses, the Boardwalk and beaches.

At a time when our parking revenue and transfer tax revenue have been trending down, I will bring greater oversight to city spending, such as the no-bid work last spring to spruce up the three public bathrooms at the Boardwalk, which cost more than three-quarters of a million dollars – unbelievable! I will work to stop the no-bid projects and the proposals for giving away city assets like the wastewater system to Sussex County.

I will seek to ensure that everyone who enjoys the benefits of city services is paying their fair share. This includes visitors, commercial landlords, businesses and homeowners. Compared to two years ago, we have seen a 50 percent increase in property tax rates, a 100 percent increase in residential rental taxes, and the water and wastewater rates have jumped and are planned to jump again. Those increases fall disproportionately on the homeowners and year-round businesses, whereas the summer crowds are the main drivers for city expenses - from wastewater to the police department.

We need to enact the hotel tax and look at ways to grow revenues from the day-trippers.

Speaking of day-trippers, many people have remarked to me that the weekend crowds have been larger than ever this summer, but they are not spending money in our quality businesses like in the past, and summer weekdays have been slow.

We need to reverse these negative trends. There is a lot that can be done when the city government works together with the commercial landlords, businesses and homeowners.

The planning commission is in the process of revising the city’s Comprehensive Development Plan, and I will work to ensure that we are planning and taking concrete actions to maintain our high quality of life and a manageable volume of visitors who pay their fair share.

Please let me hear from you by email at and visit my website:

I respectfully ask for your vote Aug. 10.

Gary Glass
candidate, Rehoboth Beach Board of Commissioners


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