
I.G. Burton cares about Sussex County

August 28, 2020

Why is it important that I.G. Burton continue to serve on the Sussex County Council?  Because Sussex needs quality leaders with integrity, experience, vision and courage.   I.G. Burton is a proven leader.  He was chosen vice chair of the Sussex County Council in his first term.  He managed a successful statewide car dealership before he retired.   I.G. and his family have lived in Sussex County his entire life.

As councilman he kept his promise to voters when he said he would address traffic and land-use issues.  As a former member of the Sussex County Planning & Zoning Commission and the Delaware Council of Transportation, he has experience in these important areas.  When he is considering a decision, he explains the reasons for his vote in writing.  He is serving us, the people.

I.G. Burton is willing to work with others to find mutually acceptable solutions to difficult problems. He has long-term relationships with people all over the county and he cares deeply about what happens in Sussex County.  Especially now in these times of sickness and economic downturn we will vote for I.G. Burton to remain on Sussex County Council.

Barry and Elaine Simmerman
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