
Let us all move forward on Nelly Jordan

January 17, 2020

Now that Nelly Jordan has been removed from her position with the Sussex County Republican Executive Committee, I hope that we, both Republicans and Democrats, can use this as a learning experience. 

Nothing one posts on the internet is private - hate speech, threats of violence, bad jokes your father may have told you as a kid - all of this will see the light of day if you post it on social media.  We must and can be better. We will have policy disagreements, but we cannot denigrate someone’s religion to try and score political points.  

I want to thank Sen. Ernie Lopez, R-Lewes, and Sen. Brian Pettyjohn, R-Georgetown, for reaching out to me after my letter was published Dec. 31.  They both were appalled by Ms. Jordan’s comments and promised that this would not be swept under the rug.  They both publicly denounced the comments as they told me they would. 

As I said before, Ernie and Brian are both decent and honorable men who just happen to sit on the other side of the aisle from me, and I am honored to call them friends.  I supported Ernie in all of his elections, either with my vote or a campaign donation.  We agree on many issues and disagree on many.  The one thing I learned while living in Delaware is that sometimes it’s about the person and not the party.

Let us all move forward from this and learn to respect our differences.  We expect our leaders to be wise and compassionate - we must be the same.

Meyer J. Persow
Wilton Manors, Fla.


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