
Letter: Eye doctor practices, help us help you

September 25, 2018

You may have heard of ITN Southern Delaware, the transportation cooperative for persons 55+ or visually impaired adults. 

In the two full years that we have been offering arm-through-arm, door-through-door transportation, we have taken 3,568 trips for our members 24/7 for any purpose. 

Yet, many of you seem not to know that 26 percent of those 928 trips were to eye doctors and were provided free to your patients by a generous grant from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. 

Yes, again, all eye-related appointments are given at no costs to members. We at ITN are the only conduit for those monies in our area.

Yet, you need to help us sustain and grow for this quickly aging population. That help could be in the form of a contribution to our nonprofit; that would be duly appreciated.  Even more, though, we need you to help us with outreach. We would like to speak to office managers and front staff about our program, provide you with information, and ask you to share that information for your patients.

You can get the general information from our website at (as can potential members who may wish to join). 

On the other hand, we find that when we talk to small groups person-to-person, most people are enthused with our efforts, understand its details, and want to help us grow. If you wish to come in and have us talk to you, please contact our ITN office at 302-448-8486 and leave a message. We await your call.

Nancy Feichtl
chair, ITN Southern Delaware


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