
Letter: Rehoboth right to enforce its rules

October 18, 2018

I just finished reading a letter in the Viewpoints section of the Cape Gazette dated Oct. 12 titled “Shame on Rehoboth for banning dogs.” It seems the woman who wrote the letter was upset that she was asked to remove her dog from the Boardwalk on a beautiful September day. 

I too was visiting the Boardwalk one beautiful sunny September day not too long ago, and did not bring my dog with me because I knew the rules were that dogs are not allowed on the Boardwalk until after Sept. 30. What I saw was that there were people walking their dogs on the Boardwalk and no one was patrolling the situation at all. I was disappointed that people thought it was OK to disobey the rules and to bring their dogs onto the Boardwalk when they shouldn’t have. I was also disappointed that I didn’t bring my little one with me since it didn’t seem to matter whether the rules were followed or not. 

Whether we dislike a rule because it’s a nice September day doesn’t give people the right to disobey the rules. I, personally, am happy that the city is enforcing its own rules. I would prefer that the rule for walking dogs on the Boardwalk be changed to allow dogs after Labor Day, but that’s just my preference.

If the city is going to have a rule it should be enforced. So I say, Good for you, Rehoboth ,for enforcing your own rules.

Deb Milner
Long Neck

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