
Lewes in Bloom thanks benefit supporters

October 20, 2020

The Lewes in Bloom Board of Advisors wishes to thank our wonderful community and our visitors for their generous outpouring of donations during our recent Bucks for Blooms campaign. Indeed, our entire organization of dedicated volunteers is truly grateful, especially during this difficult time. We are heartened by the notes that many of you included with your donations.

You can be sure we will share your comments with our entire membership. 

While we love what we do, and often are seen around town, cheerfully maintaining the gardens, we take our commitment and our mission very seriously to make you proud of our beautiful city. And we commend our neighbors for their contribution to making Lewes a showcase.  While we tend the parks and other public areas, so many of you are working in your own gardens. What a team.

Again, thank you for your support and trust.

Board of Advisors
Lewes in Bloom
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