
Lewes resident supports reel move to LHS complex

September 11, 2020

I am writing in support of the menhaden reel being left in the Lewes Historical Society Campus.  I grew up in Lewes, and recall how important the fishing industry was to our community.  My husband spent all of his summers in Lewes and remembers watching the boats come in and using the reels to dry their nets. As the director said, it was an opportunity for black and white people to work together.  Fishing was so vital to Lewes, and money spent in Lewes supported our economy.

It is an important part of Lewes history and has every right to be there in the complex along with the other historical buildings. The campus is separate from the neighborhood.  Let us remember that  African Americans lived in that neighborhood, and think their story needs to be told along with all of our history.  I am pleased that a tour is being developed, and that a demonstration would be a big asset to our history.

After the fish factory was demolished, we were very fortunate to have this artifact to remember that period of history. After the ferry came in, it provided new space for housing development. More people found our  little charming community.  We have been so fortunate that so many people have moved into Lewes who value our history, and therefore be thankful that the reel is so important to Lewes.

Charlotte A. Bastian
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