
Lewes Town Council election breath of fresh air

May 15, 2020

After several years of no opposition, it is gratifying to see that there are several residents coming forward to oppose the members of the current Lewes Town Council. 

While I have not had the opportunity to research the platforms of the all candidates, I am supporting Ted Fitzpatrick.

There is one overlying theme in supporting a candidate:  “It is Time for a Change” or the prophetic “A Change is gonna come.”

Having seen the indecision and mishandling of the honorary naming of West Fourth Street, I was embarrassed for my community.  I still do not believe any procedure has been established to deal with similar issues in the future.  I do not want the constant polling for the “right” answer before members come to a decision.

Although the council members are supposed to be neutral, one current highly educated and previous college professor member throwing his hat in the ring had trouble understanding the concept of an honorific name. 

The second council member asking for a return to office was mute during the entire proceeding despite having contact with the area for over 40 years. I do not want the “herd” mentality in the town council; I want to hear from each council member, especially when it is a controversial proposal.

Yes, it is time for a change; hopefully, any new council member will be knowledgeable about the history of Lewes, (sorely lacking in the current council makeup) open to change, progressive in thinking and not afraid to speak up.

Please remember you have to register in Town Hall for this election.

Alicia Jones



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