
Littering a real problem in Delaware, entire country

May 7, 2024

Recently, I was chatting with a friend of mine regarding a topic I really care about! I asked her if she had read the recent articles in the Cape Gazette regarding littering. Her answer was yes.

I shared with her that I was working on a follow-up to these articles, but I felt my response had too much emotion in it. My friend’s reply, “It should be filled with emotion!” So here goes!

Sadly, Delaware is not the only state with a littering problem! I’m always in disbelief when I see bags of trash from fast food businesses laying in parking lots. So, this person thinks, “OK, I’ve finished my meal now and I’ll just dump my trash right here.” My belief is that this person has never been taught this is not the right thing to do. I strongly believe the educational system should be teaching children at every grade level that in order to have a beautiful town, city and country, we do not litter! If children grow up and are never taught this in the home, it is our nation’s responsibility to teach them! Children, in turn, could set the example for their parents to model.

I think this could make a huge difference for our country!

P.S. In addition, more “Please do not litter” signs and billboards could possibly help.

Peg Young
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