
Mariachi dine and donate to benefit ESL program Nov. 9

Classes offered at Lutheran Church of Our Savior since 2003
October 31, 2022

Renowned by locals and tourists alike, Mariachi Restaurant at 14 Wilmington Ave. is a perfect spot to enjoy Mexican, Spanish and Latin cuisine in Rehoboth Beach. 

Mariachi will host a dine and donate event from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 9, to benefit the English as a Second Language program hosted by Lutheran Church of Our Savior in Rehoboth Beach.

Patrons can support the cause by stopping in to enjoy lunch or dinner. Owner Yolanda Pineda will donate 15% of the restaurant’s net profits earned throughout the day to the community ESL program. Both dine-in and takeout meal purchases will benefit the nonprofit, which assists adults seeking to improve their English speaking, reading and writing skills. Plenty of free parking is available near Mariachi.

For reservations, call 302-227-0115, or go to

Since 2003, ESL at LCOS has provided an environment for non-native speakers in the eastern Sussex County area to study English via morning or evening classes taught twice weekly by volunteer teachers. More than 125 students, each assigned to one of five proficiency levels, are enrolled in the current fall semester. Most students live and work in the Lewes-Rehoboth and eastern Sussex County areas, and represent a broad range of home countries in Central and South America, eastern Europe, the Caribbean, Asia and the Middle East.

ESL at LCOS offers classes at two locations: Lutheran Church of our Savior in Rehoboth Beach and a newly opened satellite campus at Milford Public Library. ESL at LCOS is now accepting students for winter classes; the team is always excited to welcome new learners and volunteer teachers.

To enroll in English language classes or learn how to help through volunteering or donating, go to For details, email or call 302-515-4385.


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