
News Briefs 1/17/25

January 17, 2025
Milton to hear Dairy Queen site plans

Milton Planning and Zoning Commission will hear about preliminary site plans for a Dairy Queen off Route 16 during its 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 21 meeting at Cannery Village clubhouse. Dairy Queen is planned to front Route 16 in front of Cypress Grove.

Planned to be next to the Dairy Queen is a proposed Dunkin Donuts franchise, which is also seeking preliminary site-plan approval. Dunkin had previously come in for concept review by the commission.

Storage facility clears first hurdle

At its Jan. 8 meeting, Sussex County Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of a conditional use for a mini-storage complex with office on a 7-acre parcel on the west side of Route 24 east of Robinsonville Road.

Rehoboth Family Storage LLC has plans to construct three storage buildings totaling 74,260 square feet on the parcel.

Conditions placed on the project include a landscaped perimeter buffer with fencing, preservation of 1.62 acres of woods, and no outdoor storage with access from Robinsonville Road.

The developer plans to provide a park-like setting of plantings and landscaping at the entrance to the tan and green storage units.

Sussex County Council has scheduled a public hearing on the application for 1 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 4.

Genealogical society to meet Jan. 18

The Sussex County Genealogical Society will hold its general meeting at 10 a.m., Saturday, Jan. 18, at Lewes Public Library and via Zoom. Genetic genealogist Mags Gaulden will discuss YDNA, mtDNA, and mitoDNA. All members and guests must register at and find the meeting date under Events. For more information, go to

GWOR to host music and comedy Jan. 18

Gay Women of Rehoboth will host a music and comedy event at 6 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 18, at the Rehoboth Beach Convention Center. The E'lissa Jones Trio and jazz saxophonist Pamela Williams will provide musical entertainment. Bringing laughter to start off the new year will be Vickie Shaw with her southern Texas pride, and 90-year-old comedian D’yan Forest from New York City. For more information, go to

UUSD to meet Jan. 19

The Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware will hold a service at 10 a.m., Sunday, Jan. 19, with “The Dream Is Not the End Goal” as the topic. The Rev. Heather Rion Starr said, “The refrain of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic ‘I Have a Dream’ speech at the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom is as familiar as the ABCs. The dream energizes us and propels us forward to this day. But how do we work toward that lofty vision in day-to-day ways here in Sussex County?” Learn more at

Lewes environmental panel to meet Jan. 21

Lewes Planning Commission’s Environmental Subcommittee will meet at 1 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 21, at city hall.   The group will discuss trees and the canopy.

Lewes finance group to meet Jan. 21

Lewes Finance Committee will meet at 10 a.m., Tuesday, Jan. 21, at city hall.  The panel will hear presentations from three nonprofits about funding requests. 

Small business EDGE grant webinar set Jan. 22

The Delaware Division of Small Business is gearing up for its first EDGE Grant Competition round of 2025. EDGE refers to the DSB program Encouraging Development, Growth and Expansion.

Five STEM-based (science/technology/engineering/math) companies can each receive up to $100,000 for eligible expenses while five Entrepreneur Class (non-STEM) businesses can each receive up to $50,000.

To help potential grantees prepare their applications to be accepted during the month of February, DSB will host an online information session at 10 a.m., Wednesday Jan. 22. Registration is required at

The webinar will help attendees learn what elements are needed for a successful application. Speakers include the DSB director and business unit finance director, a previous EDGE winner, and staff from partners at the Delaware Small Business Development Center.

To be eligible to apply for the EDGE competition, a small business must have been in operation for fewer than seven years and have 10 or fewer full-time employees. Startups and those not yet in business are also eligible.

Federal Beverage Company sets mocktail event Jan. 25

Federal Beverage Company, a nonalcoholic bottle shop, will host a Dry January meet and greet from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 25, at 36502 Seaside Outlet Drive, Suite 1260, Rehoboth Beach. Owner Gayle Galbraith will be mixing up fun and functional alcohol-free mocktails. The shop features Federal Brewing Company kombucha and functional beverages. Author Meg Geisewite will be on site signing copies of her book, “Intoxicating Lies: One Woman's Journey to Freedom from Gray Area Drinking.”

RD 4 Democrats to elect new leaders Feb. 18

The Delaware 4th Representative District Democratic Committee will meet to elect new committee members and officers at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 18, at Captain’s Pizza, 24832 John J. Williams Hwy. Long Neck.

An informal social gathering for Dutch treat dinner starts at 5:30 p.m. According to Democratic Party rules, Delaware's district committees must reorganize every four years following a presidential election.

Nominees for committee membership must be registered Democrats residing in the 4th RD for at least one year before the reorganization date, and attend the meeting in person. Elected committee members will then serve until the first quarter of 2029, attending meetings and Democratic functions, and performing other tasks as local party leaders.

Anyone planning to attend the 20th RD committee meeting must preregister to verify party membership by Friday, Feb. 14, by emailing

To view district boundaries and for more information, go to and

Beekeeping 201 class set Feb. 22

The Delaware Beekeepers Association will present Beekeeping 201, a one-day intensive course for anyone who has never kept bees before or needs a refresher class in the art and science of beekeeping, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 22, at the St. Jones Reserve, 818 Kitts Hummock Road, Dover. The event is sponsored by the Delaware Beekeepers Association.

For more information and to register, go to

Agenda items include: advanced honeybee biology, integrated pest managment, pests and pathology, apiculture management and research materials.

A 2025 DBA membership is required. Nonrefundable registration fees include lunch and a copy of “Honey Bee Biology & Beekeeping.”

For more information, email Carla Lewis at

DCF scholarship applications due March 15

Delaware students are invited to apply for scholarships available through the Delaware Community Foundation. The deadline to submit completed applications is Saturday, March 15.

Last year, the foundation awarded $652,000 in scholarships, helping 191 students throughout the state pursue postsecondary education.

Students can apply for most scholarships by completing a single online application, available at

On the website, students can review all criteria and award amounts before beginning the application process. Candidates also can view the DCF Scholarship Compendium, with information on all available scholarships, at

The online application system guides applicants through a series of questions to determine which scholarships they may be eligible for. Students are automatically considered for every scholarship for which they meet the minimum criteria. Some are one-time awards, and others are renewable.

“Many of our donors care deeply about education and realize that inflated costs prohibit some students from pursuing degrees in higher education,” said Kelly Sheridan, DCF grant and scholarship coordinator. “Our scholarships are designed to assist rising college students as well as those currently enrolled reduce financial burden, sometimes substantially.”

For more information, contact Sheridan at

Harmon Real Estate Academy course to start March 31

Harmon & Associates Real Estate Sales and Services LLC announced the opening of its new real estate school. Harmon Real Estate Academy is dedicated to preparing the next generation of real estate professionals.

Aspiring agents in Delaware can register for the comprehensive 99-hour real estate pre-licensing course, set to start Monday, March 31. Harmon Real Estate Academy is committed to delivering high-quality education, taught by experienced instructors who are passionate about equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the real estate industry.

The course is tailored to meet Delaware state licensing requirements and provides students with the essential training needed to pass the real estate licensing exam and launch a successful career.

For more information, go to

Cape alum Andrea Brzoska admitted to Delaware bar

The law offices of Schwartz and Schwartz, PA, announced the firm’s newest attorney, Andrea "Andy" Brzoska, has been admitted to the Delaware bar. A third-generation Cape Henlopen High School graduate, Brzoska said she is excited to serve her community in this capacity. When she is not working, Brzoska can be seen paddleboarding along the canal or sitting on the beach with her dog Rosy. Brzoska is licensed in both Delaware and Maryland, and practices in the fields of workers' compensation, personal injury and more.

Hunter Creek Homes joins Georgetown chamber

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce recently welcomed new member Hunter Creek Homes with a ribbon cutting at 10 West Pine St., Georgetown. Based in Greenwood, the custom builder has a long-standing reputation for quality and service in and around Sussex County.

Lewes ethics panel elects officers

The Lewes Board of Ethics elected new officers at its Jan. 10 meeting.

Stephanie Tsantes was elected as chair, replacing Diana Beebe, who will remain on the board.

Falan Hylton was elected as secretary.

See the meeting link at

Milton student completes intensive research project

Worcester Polytechnic Institute announced Peter Czepiel of Milton was a member of a student team that recently completed a professional-level, research-driven project titled Interactive Qualifying Project: The Doorways of Syros. Given a chance to make a difference in the world before they graduate, students apply science and technology to address an important societal need or issue. A member of the Class of 2026, Czepiel is majoring in computer science.

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