
Nowakowski certainly deserves recognition

December 7, 2012

I read with great interest the recent letters recommending the inclusion of Coach Janet Nowakowski among those to be honored in the proposed Champions Field at Cape Henlopen High School. As a graduate of Rehoboth High School, Class of 1963, I had the honor and privilege of having Mrs. Nowakowski as both a teacher and a coach. But she was much more than that, not only to me, but to countless other young women who benefited from a strong female role model, before we even knew we needed one!

Coach Nowakowski believed in her “girls” and because she did, we believed in ourselves, and we played better and stronger because she believed we could. I believe that is one of the reasons she had so much success in such a small school with such a small pool of talent. She coached the games - field hockey, basketball and softball - with the team members she drew. And because of her extraordinary emotional intelligence and leadership ability, she, her players, and Rehoboth High School were rewarded with hard-won success and recognition.

I, along with many members of this community, strongly support the proposal to honor coaches Ivens and Skoglund, and believe Coach Nowakowski would be pleased and honored to share recognition at Champion Field with these outstanding coaches.

I believe the Cape Henlopen school board members have their collective heart in the right place and that as they learn more about what Janet Nowakowski meant and contributed to female athletics in this area, they too will see the merit in giving her well-deserved and long-overdue recognition.

Hope Wilson Lavachia, Ed.D.
Rehoboth Beach

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