Outdoor dining approved for Mama Maria, Jimmy’s Grille, Starboard Raw
Permanent outdoor dining was approved by Dewey Beach commissioners Sept. 16 for Mama Maria, Jimmy’s Grille and Starboard Raw, with another round of hearings for Woody’s, Dewey Beach Country Club, Dewey Beer Company and the Dewey Post set for Friday, Oct. 7.
Restaurants were seeking conditional-use permits and applications for restaurant permits of compliance to expand conditional uses to allow for continued outdoor dining that was approved during the COVID-19 pandemic. The planning and zoning commission voted Sept. 10 to recommend approval of conditional-use applications to town commissioners.
Building Official Daune Hinks said the town doesn't have all the information it needs for each applicant, such as site plans, locations of buildings on properties, and internal floor plans. Applications submitted during the pandemic and submitted to the previous town manager were hand drawn and very vague, she said.
Hinks said she did not want to add a burden to applicants, but she would like to have accurate records on file. Mayor Bill Stevens agreed, and said the town would work to obtain records.
Commissioner Paul Bauer said it was hard to believe no one has such records; the fact that the town does not have them should not cost applicants thousands of dollars, since they aren’t building anything.
Mama Maria owner Franco LaRagione said he has been operating in Dewey for 30 years and that outdoor seating worked well for staff and customers the last two years. He said he agreed with conditions set by the planning and zoning commission.
Stevens said the town has not received any complaints about Mama Maria’s outdoor dining.
Town Counsel Fred Townsend asked LaRagione to verify that he would not expand beyond the property boundary; that the total patron area is about 3,300 square feet, including outside; that the extension doesn't intrude on state or local streets or rights of way; that it doesn’t restrict access to deliveries and emergency vehicles; that it is ADA-compliant; that he would adhere to noise ordinances; restrict access to the area using fencing; that smoking is prohibited; that there would be no live entertainment or speakers; and that outdoor dining would close at 11 p.m. LaRagione verified the statements.
Attorney Stephen Spence, representing property owner Highway One and restaurant operator Jimmy’s Grille, said the 50--by-40-foot outdoor area comprises 64 additional seats and is under the 4,000-square-foot-limit of patron space, so the restaurant doesn’t need to provide parking spaces.
In the future, Spence said, he may return to obtain permission for a deck, and the restaurant will follow all conditions asked of Mama Maria.
During public comment, The Starboard owner Steve “Monty” Montgomery stepped to the podium.
“I think it’s appropriate that I come out to say that I fully support Jimmy’s Grille’s expansion,” Montgomery said. “I think it's a wonderful place. The outside dining is great and I’m very happy for them, and I look forward to it being approved.”
On behalf of the application for Starboard Raw, Montgomery said the restaurant would comply with all conditions.
Former Commissioner David Moskowitz spoke via Zoom in support of all applications and said he appreciated the fact that all were consistent regarding conditions.
The planning and zoning commission will next hold public hearings on applications for Woody’s Dewey Beach, Dewey Beach Country Club, Dewey Beer Company and the Dewey Post at 4:30 p.m., Friday, Oct. 7.