
Overdevelopment, when will it end?

April 22, 2022

As a homeowner in Chapel Green, I am deeply concerned with the Coral Lakes development. The effect this will have on the environment and the surrounding infrastructure is disastrous. Right now, Wil King Road floods when it rains, and cutting a hundred acres of trees will dramatically increase the flooding. Traffic has increased dramatically in the last five years, and the roads cannot handle the anticipated extra traffic from these new developments. Homes are being squeezed into quarter-acre lots so developers can maximize every square inch for profit. Wildlife is also dramatically impacted, with fewer and fewer areas to roam. When will it end? Roads are not being widened. With more cars comes more traffic, and no bicycle lanes are being built. Emergency vehicles are having a harder time getting to emergencies. Every time I get in my car, there’s a new sign for a future development. When will it end?

Michael Pingor
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