
Pirates of the Delaware Bay enjoy ferry concert

August 26, 2018

The Pirates of the Delaware Bay Red Hat Chapter boarded the Cape May-Lewes Ferry for the Rock The Boat excursion Aug. 17. The pirates and their mates all enjoyed a beautiful night on the bay. The women are all supporting members of the Red Hat Society and members of the Evening Primrose Chapter from Lewes. The pirate chapter began Sept. 19, 2013, on Talk Like a Pirate Day. There are only two other pirate chapters in the Northeast.

The Red Hat Society is an international social organization founded in 1998 in the United States for women age 50 and beyond, but now is open to women of all ages. The society is dedicated to reshaping the way women are viewed in today's culture. RHS supports and encourages women to pursue fun, friendship, freedom, fulfillment of lifelong dreams and fitness. It serves as the center point for all communications and opportunities for its members, offering tools, tips, discounts, services and events specifically with Red Hatters in mind.

For more information about the Pirates, contact Queen BJ Young at For more information about the Red Hat Society, go to

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