
Pungent aroma of fertilizer is rite of passage

April 7, 2023

Ah ... it’s spring in Sussex County. Birds are chirping; flowers are blooming; and the pungent aroma of fertilizer fills the air. It’s clockwork. Those of us who were born and raised here see this as the rites of passage. As my mother once told me, “Take a deep breath; it’ll help you grow.”

What’s left of our farmland is important to the growth of food for our population and people around the world. Fertilizer is a necessary part of the process. The nasal stimulation is simply an annoying and temporary by-product of the procedure.

In fact, if we are concerned about renewable resources, this might be the epitome of that thinking. Feed is provided for the chickens – it helps them grow. Some of it passes through that cannot be used; those droppings are collected and spread on fields to make crops grow, some of which become feed for the next generation of chickens. Brilliant!

And some of us are worried about a little flavored air for a couple of weeks.

Let’s join to celebrate our heritage as an agrarian culture, as an integral part of providing nourishment for the world, for providing a noble form of work for our citizenry. Let’s exalt Sussex County.

Just take a deep breath.

Dr. James H. VanSciver
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