
Random act of kindness uplifts woman’s spirits

August 28, 2020

It has been a rough summer. After months of quarantine, an unexpected surgery with a two-week prior quarantine and then weeks of recovery, I have been feeling a little low to say the least. COVID-19 has challenged us all; we have had to make compromises with everything we want to do, there are so many debates about vaccines, medications, masks, etc. I have watched the community I love and have lived in for 12 years become divided on so many issues, everything from politics to the pool.

It has been distressing for me to watch all of this, and that doesn’t even count turning on the news! So today, I decide to take myself for an outing, a pedicure, a few errands, and having had no lunch decided to treat myself to some ice cream at the DQ drive thru in Millsboro. I place my order, get to the window and the young girl tells me that the car in front of me paid for my order.

This random act of kindness was just what I needed at that very moment. I want to thank the lovely couple in the cute little black Fiat. For $3.79 you have renewed my spirit that there is good in everyone, and while tensions are high with all of the restrictions we are under, the craziness in the world, we will persevere and get through this together. I am very grateful.

Sharon Bilohlavek
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