
Rehoboth parking office needs compassion

March 7, 2023

A year ago, I got a parking ticket in Rehoboth Beach. I had paid $9 to park, but I made a mistake. I parked our white SUV, but our silver car was the default car in the parking app. I forgot to change it.

I went to the Rehoboth parking office to show them that I had paid the $9 to park but had accidentally checked the wrong car in ParkMobile. The employee at the parking department told me I had to pay the ticket anyway.

Last week, in Wilton Manors outside Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., I made the same dumb mistake and got a ticket. I went to the parking office, explained my error and showed them I had paid for three hours of parking. They apologized to me for the ticket and voided it. And they said that it happens a lot with the app.

As a tourist in Wilton Manors, I left with a very good feeling about my visit. I did not feel it was a greedy city, happy to be paid more than twice for the same parking spot because of the error.

Rehoboth Beach should change its policy.

Fay Jacobs
Rehoboth Beach


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