The article about Rehoboth’s budget surplus was shocking. Congratulations to the Cape Gazette for its diligence in keeping Sussex County informed.
Those working under the city finance director have unnecessarily increased the inflation rate for everyone in Rehoboth. They have raised property taxes, transfer taxes and parking fees. How myopic of Mr. Dukes to say, “We love the fact that others are paying for things for us.” He obviously wasn’t considering us locals when he said that. The high parking fees keep many of us from shopping and dining in downtown Rehoboth, especially retirees. Added to this, in my opinion, the commission made an irresponsible financial decision when they hired a minimally experienced city manager, gave him a ridiculously high salary and a $750,000 home loan, plus exempting him from having to live in the city he’s supposedly managing.
Elections are coming up. Too many of our government administrators have never signed the front side of a paycheck, only endorsed the back side. I urge all voters to seek out and support only those candidates with a background in business, candidates who have owned and managed a company. If we can do this, it will be a win-win for all of us!