
Ric Moore is best qualified

May 10, 2022

We are writing because we recommend you vote for Ric Moore for mayor of Lewes. We have known Ric and Kathy for many years and find them both to be hard working and honest people. But that is not why we recommend you vote for Ric, because this should not be a popularity contest.

For years now we've been overwhelmed by many unsolved problems – poorly planned developments, environmental degradation, traffic slowdowns and housing costs too high for working people. These are wiping out the beauty and comfortable living we formerly knew. Perhaps it’s time for new leadership – someone representing those of us living here. Ric Moore is such a man.

We are voting for Ric because Lewes needs change and someone who is willing to take responsibility for his actions. Ric wants to be a champion for the community. We think he offers the vision, ability, experience and commitment to fill that role. His performance in the candidates’ forum demonstrates real ability sorely needed in Lewes now. He offers an approach that would bring all parties to the table to work together while keeping the community informed and engaged. He has done this before with the Lewes Community Partnership, and we think he is the person to do this as mayor. Ric has solid knowledge, good ideas and a serious focus this city needs. He's been involved working with officials at all levels of government and other organizations, committed to sustainability and change to improve our world.

We are happy to call Ric Moore a friend, but that is not why we are voting for him. A vote for Ric is a vote for the person best qualified to be mayor of Lewes.

Mitzi and Paul Kratt


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