
SB 3 would make Delaware safer

March 25, 2022

It is hard to imagine that our schools, churches, large venues could be threatened by a mass shooter at any given day or moment in the State of Delaware. It has happened in other states, bringing grief to parents, families and local governments. Things seem quiet now, and we have not heard much about any deranged person storming into buildings spraying gunfire and murdering innocents.  

However, a bill has been in the House Appropriations Committee since May of 2021, and committee hearings are about to take place. SB 3 is an act to amend Title 11 and Title 24 of the Delaware Code relating to deadly weapons. In brief, the bill makes it more difficult for a mentally disturbed person to purchase a gun and license it. This bill does not create an agency to register firearms nor does it violate the Second Amendment. It is a step in trying to eliminate the indiscriminate purchase of handguns.  

Please contact your local state representative and request they support this bill. Representatives from Sussex County are: Ronald Gray (38th RD), Richard Collins (41st RD) and Peter Schwartzkopf (14th RD).

Your action and support will help keep our state safer.

Doris P. Pierce


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