
Seniors Helping Seniors can assist with food safety, healthy eating

October 11, 2018

Do people know how old items in their refrigerators or pantries are? It may be time to purge foods that have exceeded their expiration dates – remember that old adage: When in doubt, throw it out.

The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture’s Food and Drug Administration has released a brochure on Food Safety for Older Adults. It is designed to provide practical guidance on reducing seniors’ risk of foodborne illness. In this guide, readers will find information on topics such as what causes foodborne illness and what are common symptoms; making wise food choices; handling and preparing food safety; becoming better shoppers; transporting groceries; and much more.

In addition to this guide, older adults are encouraged to check with their physician or health care provider to identify foods and other products they should avoid. Older adults must be especially vigilant when storing, handling, preparing and consuming foods.

By age 65, many seniors have been diagnosed with one or more chronic conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, cancer or cardiovascular disease, and are taking at least one medication. The side effects of some medications or the chronic disease process may weaken the immune system, making older adults more likely to contract foodborne illnesses.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, while the food supply in the U.S. is among the safest in the world, 48 million people get sick and 128,000 are hospitalized from foodborne infection illness each year.

For more information, go to and, or call the USDA hotline at 888-723-3366.

Seniors Helping Seniors in-home services can help seniors eat right and stay healthy while living independently in their own homes. Seniors Helping Seniors’ reputation for exceptional and empathetic in-home care has grown greatly over the past several years because its caregivers are mature and understand it’s all about making the senior feel safe and well cared for. Clients also know their caregivers can be relied upon to provide help with getting to the doctor, meal shopping and preparation, healthy eating, respite care, light housecleaning and companionship.

When a family member needs a break, Seniors Helping Seniors can step in 24/7 or for just a few hours to keep life moving smoothly. For a free consultation, go to or call 302-858-7330.

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