
Service Today can help homeowners improve air quality

July 10, 2020

Scientists have been paying a lot more attention to indoor air quality since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

People spend about 90 percent of their time indoors. When it comes to indoor air quality, the discussion begins with an HVAC system. It can play a critical role in the spread of viruses and other health issues.

“We have found that a lot more customers are asking us how they can improve the air quality in their homes and businesses since the pandemic first hit a few months ago,” said Brent Hadaway, vice president of Service Today, a Delmarva-based air conditioning, heating, plumbing, and electrical service and installation company. “The great news is that we have the technology to help eliminate viruses, airborne bacteria, mold and allergies via your HVAC system, and it works incredibly well.”

Over the past few months, Service Today has been installing air scrubbers almost daily in homes and businesses all over Delmarva, Hadaway said. They are added to any forced-air system to help eliminate indoor air contaminants that cause health issues. They also help keep home surfaces such as countertops, bathrooms, kitchens and doorknobs cleaner.

“The first thing you will notice once you have one installed is that the air is lighter and fresher. The scrubber eliminates odors, and reduces allergy and asthma symptoms. You will also find that it helps you sleep and ultimately feel better. The best part is that the technology is not expensive, especially when you consider the benefits you get from an air scrubber. I have one installed on the system in my home, and we have several of them installed here in our office building. They make a difference. We’ve installed them in churches, banks, you name it,” said Hadaway.

COVID-19 has raised awareness about how critical HVAC systems and their maintenance are to the public’s health and well-being.

“When it comes to caring for your family or your employees, air quality is very important. We spend almost all of our time indoors. So having the ability to help eliminate spread of viruses and other health issues is important for people to know about,” he said.

Service Today can help with any air conditioning, heating, plumbing and electrical problem. For more information, go to www.ServiceToday.Help.



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