
Signs: Let’s respect each other’s rights

September 3, 2020

We are fortunate to live in a free country where people are allowed to express their political views.

Or at least that’s what I thought when I displayed my first Biden yard sign.

That sign was taken down, ripped to pieces, and left in the grass by someone who obviously had other views. Undaunted, I attached another Biden sign securely to my fence. Several days later, that sign was stolen. Someone actually came onto my property and cut my sign down? Those who support other candidates are free to put up their signs, but not take mine down. I’m concerned that the “other candidate” is stoking a culture of anger and vengeance.

We hear a lot about “my rights” lately. I believe it is my right to put up a sign supporting the candidate of my choice, and not worry that someone is going to rip it off my fence. In the scope of things, a political yard sign is not really important. However, my right to express support for my candidate is! Let’s respect each other’s rights.

Margaret Trzyzewski
Rehoboth Beach
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